Saturday, August 31, 2019

Jared Loughner

Jared Loughner. On January 8, 2011 U. S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot along with eighteen other people at a public meeting in a grocery store parking lot near Tucson Arizona. Six of the eighteen people shot that day died. This included Arizona District Court Chief Judge John Roll and nine-year-old Christina-Taylor Green. Gifford was Holding a meeting called â€Å"Congress on Your Corner† in a Safeway store when she was shot through the head at point blank range. 22-year old Jared Loughner, a tucson man, was arrested at the scene.Federal prosecutors filed five charges against him, including the attempted assassination of a member of Congress and the assassination of a federal judge. Even though Loughner had a history of drug possession charges and had been suspended by his college for disruptive behavior, the motive for the shooting remains unclear. Invoking his right to remain silent , Loughner did not cooperate with authorities. Jared was found to be Incompetent to stand trial based on medical evaluations by a judge. As a young man in high school Loughner seemed ordinary enough.Occasionally he seemed withdrawn, as a normal teen would be, and a bit nerdy. Loughner loved music and played the saxophone well. Sometime around after Loughner dropped out of Mountain View High School, he didn't seem the same. He began drinking and using drugs including pot and hallucinogens like acid. Neighbors said that Loughner was not hostile toward anyone but he certainly did not warm up to anyone either. He didn't care what others thought of him. He had his own opinions and out looks on things and wasn't afraid to share them.Loughner's friends started noticed a change happening. Loughner started to do strange things. For example he spent months working out so that he could join the army. Then after traveling to the military processing station he told an Army official that he smoked marijuana excessively. Later Loughner passed a drug test, which meant he had n ot been smoking for at least a couple of weeks. After the Army incident Loughner's behavior became more erratic. He started having run-ins with Police for drug possession and alcohol and vandalizing street signs.Loughner started to think that the Government was trying to control him and everyone else in the US. He lost his job at quiznos and an animal shelter because he refused to follow instructions. When classes at Pima Community College began, fellow students were frightened by Loughner's behavior. â€Å"He had this hysterical kind of laugh, laughing to himself,† says Benjamin McGahee, his math professor. McGahee says that Loughner would say nonsensical things about â€Å"denying math. † One student in the back of McGahee's classroom said she was scared for her life, literally.By now Loughner was clearly developing a mental illness. Many signs suggest he had delusional disorder or schizophrenia. The average age of onset for both illnesses is roughly 20, about when L oughner started showing these symptoms. Loughner Became obsessed with lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a dream state you can enter when you're half asleep where you are aware that you're dreaming. Loughner used drugs to keep him from falling into deep sleep which then encourage lucid dreaming.Last year the European Science Foundation reported that lucid dreaming creates distinct patterns of electrical activity in the brain that have similarities to the patterns made by psychotic conditions. Paranoid delusions can happen when lucid dermas are played over and over again when the person awakes. According to his friend Bryce Tierney, Loughner was replaying his lucid dreams in a dream journal. Loughner is being treated at a Missouri prison facility here he has been forcible medicated for about seven months in a bid to try to make him mentally fit to stand trial.Loughner has pleaded not guilty to 49 charges from the Shooting in Tucson. Loughner has not been able to stand trill because U. S. District Judge Larry Burns has ruled that he is not mentally fit to stand trial since experts have concluded that Loughner suffers from schizophrenia. JUdge Burns says that Loughner will eventually be ready for trial after he receives more treatment . Loughner's current stay is set to the end June 7th. Even though it is said that Loughner's condition is improving, His lawyers ave been fighting the governments efforts to forcible medicate him. Over the summer of 2011 the appeals court temporarily stopped Loughners forced medication, but it resumed when mental health experts concluded that Loughner's condition was worsening with out the medication. Since his arrest Loughner has shown bizarre behavior. He was forcibly removed from a May 25 Court hearing when Loughner lowered his head inches from the court room table then lifted his head and began a loud, angry rant.But since he has been forcibly medicated his mental condition has improved. Loughner has sat still and expressionless for seven hours in a hearing in September . But the problem is weather a mentally ill person who is considered very dangerous should be medicated. Prosecutes say the decisions is for officials to make but Loughner's lawyers say its up to the judge. So far prison officials have decided to medicate Loughner. His lawyers say that forcibly medication Loughner is violating his due-process rights.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Defence Mechanisms Essay

Defence mechanisms are psychological actions brought in by the unconscious mind to change, deny or become a twisted reality. Defence mechanisms are usually referred to as ego defence mechanisms. A defence mechanism forms when anxiety occurs, this then means that the defence mechanisms will be triggered off. All defence mechanisms share two common properties they appear unconsciously and they tend to disfigure, transform a person’s reality. Defence mechanisms occur in some level in every person. Many play important roles in socialization and allowing the way in which people function in society. Others are seen as problems and they show signs of clients developing a dangerous psychological issue. For example regression, this means you return to a childlike state, this defence mechanism can get very dangerous as it can lead to clinical issues. There are many different defence mechanisms such as: Projection- Suggesting that others share the negative beliefs and thoughts you have, making yourself think that everyone thinks like that so it is okay to think like that as well. This can lead to very irrational thoughts. Such as when someone is depressed they then start to believe thoughts that their mind has made up maybe leading them to become suicidal. Displacement- Turning emotion into physical action (aggression) May tend to lash out to get rid of the emotion that have inside. This could lead to putting themselves and others into very serious danger as they could get progressively aggressive. This often occurs in mental health as they don’t know how to deal with certain emotions and situations. Rationalization- Illogical thoughts and explanations for your behaviour. Making up excuses just to get away with it. Making up things that don’t make sense. This could lead to them believing their own thoughts and starting to think they are real, sending them mentally ill. This could be when a doctor/surgeon makes a mistake during a procedure and they try to cover up their mistakes by using excuse and lies. Isolation- Removal of all emotional reactions so they are in emotional denial. Can’t cope with all of the emotion. In a hospital a nurse/doctor could not like a patient because of different beliefs and maybe ersonalities so provides them with different treatment. If someone is in denial then they will force themselves to not believe what they have been told to be true and not accept it. For example a person is diagnosed with a terminal disease, they will not believe it and just block it out so they don’t have to deal with it as they don’t know how to. They are refusing to accept the situation they are in. Eventually that person will have forced it out of their head so much that they generally think it hasn’t happened and it was all just a lie. Regression this is when you return to a childlike state acting immature, for example in a family when a new sibling arrives the other sibling gets jealous so therefore they may start to wet the bed as they want attention as they feel as if the other sibling is getting all of their parents attentions (feeling left out. ) Some people may go to therapy to identify the defence mechanisms that benefit them and work in a good way and also to identify the defence mechanisms that are really dangerous and that they shouldn’t be using.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Zombies Rogerian Argument

Zombies have taken over. They dominate television shows, movies and anything else related to pop culture and have become increasingly more popular as the years progress. Whether it’s a mob of zombies sucking the brains out of a helpless victim on the big screen or zombies terrorizing families on television shows, it is hard to ignore the gory entourage. Fans of zombie lore generally fall into two categories: those who are attracted to the popularity of zombies and see them as purely amusement and those who not only are amused by zombies, but can also see the possibility of fiction becoming reality. The possibility of a zombie apocalypse is very real and terrifying; and most of the population simply wouldn’t survive. No one is safe. Now is the time to prepare and learn about the potential threat and to ensure–above all else– survival. For hundreds of years zombies have conjured images of the reanimated dead, mindlessly searching for the next meal of human brains. While this may be true in Hollywood, zombies actually started out as mindless servants who worked on farms in Haiti, where voodoo was the main religion in practice. Voodoo priests of priestesses are believed to use medicinal concoctions which can bring the dead back to life as zombie slaves, who were then worked out in the fields. This became such a problem in Haiti that family members would guard the graves of loved ones until they were certain the body had begun to decompose, as voodoo only works on the freshly dead. (Real Zombies, 1) At any rate, many people simply do not believe in the possibility of a single zombie, let alone a zombie apocalypse. The notion of a human being brought back to life as a blood thirsty creature does sound far-fetched, and as of yet there have been no documented cases of the typical Hollywood zombie. It is human nature to resist ideas that are so outlandish and terrifying, especially given the seeming lack of proof surrounding a zombie invasion. Normally, such things can be chalked up to a simple fad taking hold of the nation’s youth as a result of cinematic glamour and the growth of social networking. Normally, most people would agree that the zombie craze will be short lived and would certainly not amount to the apocalyptic infatuation that seems to have taken hold of the populace. We always seek the rational, the explainable, the safe. Unfortunately, like history has proven time and again, inexplicable events can often change our views of what is rational and real. There is a very real and poignant possibility that we could be faced with a zombie infestation, and it could occur at any time. The conditions are right. From a scientific standpoint, the ingredients for a devastating zombie outbreak are primed and ready, with some needing only a slight evolution of a bacteria, virus, or even parasites. Toxoplasmosa Gondii is a rather terrifying parasite that can only breed in the intestines of a cat. While that may not seem unusual, the parasite actually lives and grows on rats. In order to be ingested by felines, the parasites take over the rats brain and make it scurry towards where cats habitate. What makes this even more horrifying is that over half of the human population are already infected with Toxoplasmosa and it has been scientifically proven to alter the personality of those who are infected. It would only take a few changes in the parasites to occur either naturally or in a lab before we become slaves to a parasite. Neurotoxins are second on the list. Neurotoxins are poisons(naturally occurring or man-made) that can be used to slow bodily functions to the point of being legally declared dead. They can also be used to bring those people back in a trance-like state with no memory; essentially leaving them as a shuffling, mindless husk. One case in Haiti tells of a Clairvius Narcisse, who was legally declared dead by two doctors but was found 18 years later wandering around a village. A voodoo preist had been using neurotoxins to make Clairvius into a zombie to work his fields. Next is the virus that causes Mad Cow disease. The virus turns cows into enraged attack animals, and when ingested by humans it manifests as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. This disease causes hallucinations, lack of coordination, muscle twitching and rapidly-developing dementia that an turn intensely violent. Neurogenesis is also capable of creating zombies. Neurogenesis is the act regrowing brain cells, or entire brains. This sounds great, but a lab who expiraments in neurogenesis has proven that is can cause the brain to die from the inside out; destroying parts of the rain that make us human first. It destroys the cerebral cortex and leaves only basic motor functions and instincts behind. Lastly are nanobots, which are microscopic, self-replicating robots that scientists have used to attach to viruses. These nanobots can survive even after the host dies. Now there are studies that aim to use nanobots to replace damages neural connections in the human brain. They can rewire your thoughts and survive after host death–what could possibly go wrong? (Wong,5) In lieu of the overwhelming scientific evidence that supports the possibility of a zombie apocalypse, it is imperative that the human race be prepared for such an event. It is essential that we strive to get in shape and remain healthy not only for longevity, but also for survival. The reality of the situation is that, quite simply, one cannot possibly deny that science is constantly evolving. There are weapons of warfare, both biological and chemical, that can cause mass dementia, insanity, and eventually death. Wiki,1) Is it so hard to imagine a weapon being forged that could enslave humans by destroying their minds and making them a mindless horde? Suddenly, the concept of a zombie apocalypse doesn’t seem so far fetched. While the vast majority may, thanks to the exaggerations made by Hollywood, not believe in the possibility of a zombie take-over, it is important to remember that anything is possible with the amount of technology that continues to constantly evolve. By keeping in shape, memorizing escape routes at home and being constantly aware, human-kind may stand a chance against a plague of undead. The presence of parasites able to take over brain functions, neurotoxins able to control the body, miniscule robots poised to take over the brain and viruses able to reduce humans into demented, tortured shadows of a creature, it is essential that preparations are taken in the event one of those things should evolve. The reasoning is simple and appeals to human nature: it is better to be safe, than sorry.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pro-Slavery Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pro-Slavery Speech - Essay Example My next point deals with the issue of love. I concur that love is the most important human law and I believe that it is love that is responsible for slavery in the first place, otherwise I fail to understand how a person can feed, clothe and house a person without loving them. Historical accounts of past slave owners in 18-19th century US highlights how slaves were housed in suitable sleeping conditions, were guaranteed three meals a day and were provided with adequate health care in the event that they became sick. This was a far cry from the free-men in Britain during the industrial revolution, whose conditions were atrocious, coupled with the lack of adequate meals and deplorable working and living conditions. Slaves were as matter of fact better off than free men. The only other religion that Americans value is the American dream. One is only needed to visit a mall to see how we value consumerism and our way of life. We have even commercialized Christmas to the extent that children view the holiday in terms of presence rather than as a celebration of the birth of Christ. What many fail to understand, is that their ability to enjoy theses privileges was through slavery. It was only through slavery that American plantation owners were able to reap profits from their farms and it is only through slavery that Americans enjoy purchasing cheap clothes made in Asia. Knowingly or unknowingly we all support slavery. I would like to finish my argument by posing the question, aren’t we all slaves in a way?

My Inspirational Designers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

My Inspirational Designers - Essay Example During these days he commercialized his skills by creating different types of products like combs, power tools, televisions, ceramics etc. he designed modern toilets for companies under influence from marine biology books. Jonathan was fascinated with the activity of constructing objects as well as taking them apart right from his childhood. He is remembered for his products that he has created at Apple computers particularly the I-pod and the I-phone. Now he is based in California and pursues the art and activity of making very interesting electronic models. Frustrated with working as an external consultant, in 1992, he moved to California to join Apple computers. He joined the design team as a full time member. During his entry into Apple, the company was in a low profile. Steve Jobs was out and there was a legal battle going on over patent rights with Windows. Apple was fast losing its ground to Windows and also was unprofitable. In the year 1997, Steve Jobs returned and Jonathan was appointed senior vice president, design of Apple. Under the new job, he began a period characterized with unrivalled creativity as well as innovations. The company launched the iMac G3 under the influence of Jonathan. This launch is widely regarded as the rebirth of Apple. From this model onwards nothing could stop both Jonathan and Apple in launching new and improved products in the market with great effect. They launched the iBook as well as the power book within a short span of time. The various designs of Jonathan always bring refreshing plainness as well as stylishness. Many of Jonathan’s products are simple in nature and are influenced by natural objects. For example, the iMac G4 was influenced by the sun flower. The Pro mouse was inspired by droplet of water. He reduces the use of plastics in his products and uses more eco friendly metals. He is a modest and shy person who is reluctant to come into the limelight. On his work, Jonathan

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Summaries Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summaries - Term Paper Example Owing to crisis and fall in the real estate market Robert Verrone resigned from Wachovia, leaving the organization in dire strait. Robert Verrone’s methods were a key architect in inflating the real estate to a never seen height. He also participated in lending to hedge funds in real estate transactions. His risk taking activities helped Wachovia to reduce their debt amount. He also lent a large sum of money to a few developers under the interest-only deals. His dealings made him to be recognized as â€Å"Large Loan† Verrone and also a starry figure in the ‘New York real estate world’. He had been a hard working banker like any other over the years providing valued service to his clients. The limelight and the glitz of the circumstances made individual’s like Robert Verrone to undertake such business deals which otherwise they might not have. The present scenario which has seen a rebirth of ‘commercial real estate bond business’ after th e boom and the downfall of the recent years has seen Robert Verrone get revitalized and think of getting his lost ground back in the real estate market with his innovative and at times pragmatic deals. The article â€Å"Google vs. the Little Guy† was authored by Peter Burrows was published on Bloomberg Businessweek, on September 22, 2010. The article deals with a lawsuit related to a scenario in which Skyhook Wireless asks for tens of millions of dollars from the globally renowned company Google. This lawsuit was filed with an â€Å"intentional interference† claim that frightened Motorola away from undertaking a huge contract with Skyhook. The claim from the side of the Chief Executive officer of Skyhook Wireless stated that they settled a contract along with Motorola. Motorola’s upcoming mobile phones would make use of the software prepared by Skyhook Wireless. This deal was prepared exclusively for the Motorola’s smartphones. Google in this scenario was a competitor of Skyhook as the deal of Motorola can be

Monday, August 26, 2019

Successfully managing this project of building the new club Essay

Successfully managing this project of building the new club - Essay Example Then I would appoint sub project managers to supervise these sub projects. These sub project managers would be well versed with their area of concern. Once the sub projects have been identified, it is time to move to the project planning phase. The activities and tasks involved in the sub projects would be highlighted and then scheduled. Civil works would include laying the foundation of water heaters; different health fitness machines and HVAC equipments. Civil structure and finishing for the cinema Hall and the swimming pool are also included under this sub project. Other civil tasks which have to be done before any other sub project is initiated include trenching for laying of utilities lines such as electrical cables, hot water, and cold water piping and drainage lines. Numerous activities shall be associated with the sub- project Electrical Works. For instance installation and erection of electrical sub station, laying down cables, installation of Motor Control Centers, installation and commissioning of instrumentation and electrical works. Some activities shall be specific to a particular system. For example the swimming pool system shall include filing pumps, vacuum pumps, filters, underwater lights, jumping board etc. Ob Obviously while constructing the cinema hall we will have to keep several factors in mind like avoiding reverberations, good quality audio and stereo system. Therefore another project to be added to our list of sub projects would be the Cinema Hall Sub Project. Here various tasks specific to the construction of the cinema hall, like the installation of acoustic system, sound system, HVAC system and fire alarm and fighting system would be carried out. After all I do not want the club users to be complaining about poor sound quality and bad air conditioning. Last but no the least is the Mechanical and Plumbing Works Sub Project. This would further be broken down into different parts like operation of water heaters, installation of plumbing systems with fittings, installation of fitness machines and the HVAC system. The significance of the work breakdown structure is emphasized in some articles. "In a hectic business environment, project fundamentals such as scope definition and the Wor k Breakdown Structure often take a backseat to a "just get going" mentality.(Wright,C.,2007) Once I have defined the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) as above, I would move unto the planning phase. The project planning matrices would help me here. Three components, which can be controlled and measured using this plan, time, cost and resources, are drawn in triangular form whereby an imbalance in one shall have an impact on the other two. Another tool would be the project planning cycle. The project is first planned, then executed, then monitored and then reviewed. If there are some flaws detected during the review phase then the cycle is repeated again otherwise we move towards the project closure phase. Planning software's would also prove beneficial in the planning phase. Project planning beings with the time plan. Therefore I would first schedule the sub projects. According to some sources" This project schedule will

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Best Practices in Corrections Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Best Practices in Corrections - Research Paper Example This system is a sub-system of the wider system of criminal justice. The latter includes police, courts of law, and prosecution. Arguably, the most common and best-known correctional institution is the prison. This paper, however, focuses on reentry programs as a part of the correctional system. The aim of the paper is to undertake an exploration of best practices in reentry programs from existing academic literature. This goal will be achieved by first providing a description of the programs. Next, key success elements or factors of the programs will be discussed. Thereafter, empirical support or evidence of the effectiveness of the programs will be analyzed. Finally, the role of the programs in complementing other correctional services will be discussed. Every year over 650,000 offenders are released from America’s correctional facilities alone (Office of Justice Programs, 2012). Research reveals that two-thirds of those released are likely to relapse into crime and offenses. For this reason, offenders who are released constitute a significant threat to public safety. This is where reentry programs come in. The term ‘offender reentry’ refers to the return of offenders from correctional institutions into the communities they come from. Reentry programs are initiatives or partnerships forged by authorities to ensure a smooth transition when a prisoner or another offender completes their sentence and returns to the community. Reentry programs emanate from the knowledge that offenders who go back home after serving their jail terms encounter many challenges. These challenges include lack of social acceptance, education, job skills, housing, and counseling. In addition, some returnees resort to substance and drug abus e. Reentry programs can also be seen from the point of view of law enforcement(Office of Justice Programs, 2012). In this view, the return of offenders from facilities of correction is a matter of the safety of the officer and the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Strategic Managment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Managment - Case Study Example Arguably, Jamba juice has competitive advantages over its competitors since the clientele groups have been presenting their grievances on the issues that they feel important and deserving immediate redress from the organization. Similarly, the CEO witnessed the gradual increase in sales performances after repackaging the brand in new containers holding importance to the environment. Therefore, the company is certain that its recent setbacks emanated from the inclusion of polystyrene in the container linings. Such information serves for the benefit of the company since the management will eventually order the packaging and processing teams to find and use environmentally friendly materials before presenting the products to the market. The resolutions are ideal and are present in the company’s strategic decisions since the management has full knowledge that the consumer groups seek to consume products packed with the ethical considerations of the entire environment. Question 2: Description of the juice’s diversification and growth strategies Jamba’s growth and diversification strategies are ill addressed since the company failed to evaluate all the market needs prior to implementation of its product. Arguably, the management thought that the product would acquire successful outcomes after its introduction since the consumers would realize the benefits of the polystyrene cans in delivering the desired state of the juice. On the contrary, the company’s packaging failed to win the desired clientele since the society is currently embarking on the use of environmentally friendly goods while disowning those products, which deviate from the norm. Unfortunately, Jamba’s diversification strategies may not accrue any profound outcomes lest the company engages in the production of the ideal cans that the society would view as a reassurance to their health during and after consumption of the juices. For example, the company would achieve it s growth strategies through offering intensive support to the society’s health considerations, and the total disuse of any packaging materials that cause any form of alarm to the environment. The juice shall reach its edge of diversification and growth in market share if the company shall successfully deviate from the ill practices, a factor that would lead to increased clientele groups, and increased population of capital investors. Question 3 The social trend that is contributing to the entrepreneurial venture of Jamba Juice Company is how people trying to outdo environmental pollution hence ensuring that the environment is friendly. Although the company claimed to be a healthy lifestyle brand, it kept on using polystyrene foam, which was harmful to the environment due to its long life. Polystyrene foam was harmful to both wildlife and human being since it posed healthy risks. Jamba CEO realized that using polystyrene foam was illegal since it caused pollution to the enviro nment and thus it was inconsistent with the image the company wished to portray, as customers were concerned with environmental and health concerns. The consumers never wanted to benefit from using Jamba’s products and suffer from environmental pollution in the future. Additionally, most cities had already banned the use of polystyrene foam, thus Jamba Juice Compa

Friday, August 23, 2019

Oil price reaches record high of $100 barrel Essay

Oil price reaches record high of $100 barrel - Essay Example The discussion then shifts to US perspective where in the price of the oil is determined to a great extent by the Americans. Nearly 25% of the world oil supplies are consumed by USA. The article concludes by stating that the price of the crude oil may go up to $200 per barrel in the coming years. The demand in the output markets are determined by the households from the above diagram. A household's decision about what quantity of a particular product depends upon the following factors and all the factors are getting affected due to the price hike. Other products include substitutes (Solar power, Electric Battery, Wind power etc.) and complementary goods (Cars and Automobiles etc.). Due to this price rise, the prices of these substitutes and complementary goods will remain affected. Substitutes, a favourable condition exists and for complementary goods, the condition worsens. As per this graph, the pricing of oil is having an impact on producers and consumers. The producers/suppliers price the oil as per the law of supply in early 2000's where the oil market was a buyers market. The basis of pricing was cost of production of the least efficient marginal supplier. As per this graph, the pricing of oil is having an impact on producers and consumers in the perspective of price hike. ... 4. The Prices of other products available in the market Other products include substitutes (Solar power, Electric Battery, Wind power etc.) and complementary goods (Cars and Automobiles etc.). Due to this price rise, the prices of these substitutes and complementary goods will remain affected. Substitutes, a favourable condition exists and for complementary goods, the condition worsens. 5. The households' tastes and preferences will change. 6. The household's expectations about future income, wealth and prices also will change. Ultimately, the law of demand - "As price rises, quantity demanded decreases and vice versa" will play a crucial role in decision making by the household's. Graphical Analysis World Price 80 10 Quantity (Barrels) Oil Pricing before Price hike As per this graph, the pricing of oil is having an impact on producers and consumers. The producers/suppliers price the oil as per the law of supply in early 2000's where the oil market was a buyers market. The basis of pricing was cost of production of the least efficient marginal supplier. World Price 100 15 Quantity (Barrels) Oil Pricing after Price hike As per this graph, the pricing of oil is having an impact on producers and consumers in the perspective of price hike. The producers/suppliers price the oil on three major components where the oil market is now a sellers market. The basis of pricing is based on three components like Value of equivalent human energy, Sustainable energy creation costs, Affordability of the least

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Meaning of Life and Happiness Essay Example for Free

Meaning of Life and Happiness Essay I do not think that there is a single person in the world who can say that knows what happiness actually is and, more importantly, that knows how to achieve it. We sometimes get the glimpse of pure happiness but those moments are so rare and so intense that we only recognise them too late. Each of us understands this feeling in a different way†¦I, for instance, see it as the one that can make you feel that there is no worry in life and nothing and nobody can hurt you anymore. For me, it is when you feel like you can do anything and forget about the past, the future, just enjoying the mere present. In my case, it is one of two feelings that can make you cry with all your heart†¦because it is too much for you to express in plain words or pointless gestures. â€Å"Tears are words that the heart can’t express† a wise man once said and could have never said it better, as happiness is that joy which is so strong that sometimes even hurts. However, I never remember the recipe for happiness and even if I did I do not think it would work again because one of its components is also hazard. Still, this does nt make me stop searching for it and devote it everything I do, I am and I achieve. Likewise, each person I’ve ever met, consciously or not, did the same†¦we want to get something, to become someone. Why? Not because that would make us feel miserable, but fulfilled and maybe a little bit more: happy. Hence, I strongly believe that happiness is the main purpose of our lives, the whole aim of our ephemeral existence. We are born happy and we want to die the same; this is the true ideal that we all crave for reaching. Money, wealth, knowledge mean nothing, without someone who cares about what you have achieved. Human beings, whether they like admitting it or not, need other human beings to share their secrets with, to share their joy or sorrow; as genuine joy can only become happiness if there is another person by your side. In other words, happiness is, in my opinion, the actual meaning of life; and life seems so complicated especially because we seldom get to its core, we almost never get to know what happiness feels like†¦and afterwards all that remains is an unclear memory of the moment and a wish of feeling it again.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Development from Birth to 19 Essay Example for Free

Development from Birth to 19 Essay Physical:- 0-3 Physical development from birth is usually very quick, within the first few weeks of being born a baby will smile and start responding to sounds and environments. Gradually their muscles start to develop and by 6 months they will start reaching for and holding objects. Around the time a baby reaches one year they are beginning to crawl, and can roll from front to back. Using furniture to aid themselves in standing or using adult support to start taking some first steps. They are now able to sit unaided. Hand eye coordination starts improving as they pass objects between both hands. Teeth may start to show and more solid food will be introduced to them. As they move towards the age of two a child will begin walking and using toys to push and pull while they are walking. Picking objects up in different ways, building small towers and starting to show a preference for one hand. Pointing at their choices and waving and using their head to tell you yes or no. Between two and three they will start making marks on paper and developing their fine motor skills. Gross motor skills will develop, kicking balls and throwing them. 3-7 From three years gross motor skills will start advancing, such as jumping and running, stairs will become easier. They will gain more independence. Fine motor skills will be easier and they can start to dress and undress themselves with a small amount of assistance. By the time a child gets to four girls and boys become slightly different. Boy’s gross motor skills will be developed further when it comes to throwing, catching, climbing pedalling etc, however for girls their fine motor skills will be more developed with use of scissors, pens/pencils and threading beads. When children reach the age of five they will have more control with pencils, copying letters and shapes. Gross motor skills will keep on developing and they are able to kick with an aim, learning to hop on one leg and then the other. By six children will start taking risks with jumping from heights and will start riding bikes better as their confidence increases. They learn to do buttons while dressing thems elves and begin to learn laces. 7-12 At seven years old children can walk along a thin line with arms out to the side for balance. They will start riding a bike two-wheeled or possibly roller skates. Stamina will have increased showing in some activities such as swimming and gymnastics. They start to assess their environment when running avoiding objects that are in their way. Catching becomes better, and may even use only one hand when doing so. They are more competent with their writing skills, incorporating colours with their drawings, such as green at the bottom of the page for grass. Children aged eight and nine have a quicker reaction time and their body strength will have increased. They enjoy participating in sports and energetic games. They can control over small muscles and can draw and write with more skill and dexterity and start joining letters in their handwriting. At ten and eleven years girls and boys begin to differ again, girls experience puberty earlier than boys, generally girls are two years ahead of boys. Body proportions become more like those of adults. Writing has become established and they will now have a writing style, usually with joined up letters. 12-19 Physical becomes very different in each child from the age of twelve upwards as they are now in adolescence. Boys and girls have a big difference. Boys will become bigger than girls, body shape will change, muscles will develop and body hair will grow. Strength and coordination will increase. Other changes that happen within puberty will start such as their voices getting deeper, testicles and scrotum will begin to grow. With Girls body shape will change and start to round and become curvy. Their breasts will start to develop, menstruation will start however this can range from eight years until late teens, and the average age is around thirteen. Some girls may become physically mature by the age of fifteen and close to their adult height, however some may still develop larger breasts and a fuller figure. Intellectual:- 0-3 When a baby is born intellect is very simple by imitating and trying new ways of behaviour. For example, imitating adults when opening their mouth and sticking out their tongue. They start to make eye contact and recognise their primary carers and cry in expressive ways. Begin to understand the meanings of words such as bye and mama. By the time they are turning nine months old they will understand their daily routines and follow simple instructions. They will watch a toy be hidden and then look for it (object permanence) and also look in the correct direction for a falling toy. By one year old children will use the trial and error method to learn about objects. They understand simple instructions such as ‘clap hands’ or ‘wave bye’. They will start to learn body parts and will point to them and refer to themselves by name. By two years children begin to understand the consequences of their own actions and of those around them. They follow simple instructions and give empathy to other babies cry and try to provide comfort. Vocabulary will grow to about 1,000 words and will start to put phrases together. 3-7 At three years old children are able to match two or three colours, following instructions will have grown and are fascinated by cause and effect often asking ‘why’. They have grasped the concept of one and lots. At four years old children will talk about things in the past and in the future, their memory skills have increased and can often confuse fact with fiction, they can give reasons and solve problems, and are able to sort objects into groups. By five years old, a child can produce drawings with great detail, they become interested in reading and writing. By six years old, children think in a more co-ordinated way and can hold more than one point of view at a time. They are able to know the difference between reality and fantasy but may still be frightened by supernatural characters. They develop concepts of quantity such as length, volume, capacity and weight. Cultural conventions influence their drawing and writing. 7-12 At seven years old, children will start to become better with technology, using computers for simple word processing using the mouse and keyboard. They start to challenge themselves by using new materials for experiments. They enjoy learning mathematical and scientific concepts and can perform simple calculations in their heads and telling time. Children develop a logical way of thinking but are still limited compared to an adult. At eight and nine years old children have an increased attention span, they understand complex sentences and are able to speak and express their ideas. They learn to plan ahead and evaluate what they do. At ten and eleven, they begin to devise memory strategies, they understand the motives behind the actions of another. Children may become curious about alcohol, tobacco and drugs and want to understand more about them. 12-19 During adolescence teenagers become more responsible for their own thoughts, words and actions, they think about possibilities and their future, occupations and relationships etc. Teenagers form their individual identity with guidance from education, parents and peers. They think through hypotheses and by using their ability they think about situations that are contrary to fact. They use imagination when solving problems and they approach a problem with a systematic method. Communication and language:- 0-3 A child’s language development usually begins within their first three months, babies will watch faces and mouths and try to copy other people’s movement and sounds. They will coo, gurgle and cry in expressive ways, they smile in response to speech. They laugh and vocalise with increasing tone and intensity. At around six months babies babble spontaneously, talk to themselves and squeal with delight. At nine months babies enjoy communicating with sounds, they understand and obey the command ‘no’. At the age of one, children will speak two to six or more recognisable words and show that they understand many more. At twelve months deaf babies stop babbling and begin to learn the special manual gestures of sign language. They start to learn a few body parts. At eighteen months the vocabulary grows to six to forty recognisable words and understand many more than that, using gestures alongside these words. Singing is enjoyable as well as listening to songs and rhymes. At two years old children speak over 200 words and learn new words rapidly, but can understand many more words than they can speak. Phases are used as telegraphic speech some phrases can mean more than one thing. Naming things becomes fun and they spend a great deal of time doing this. ‘Why’ becomes a favourite word and questions are constantly being asked. As a child reaches three years old, they will join in and remember both words and actions to songs, speech progresses into longer sentences and can easily learn new words, names, places and so on. 3-7 As children grow at three years old, if more than one language is being spoken around them they will learn more than one language. They can carry on conversations but often miss link words like ‘the’ and ‘is’ During their singing and speaking they will use pitch and tone. At four years old, children start to talk in past and in the future. They begin to recognise patterns in the way words are formed and apply these when talking however they are unaware that many common words have irregular forms, they may say ‘I runned’ or ‘I goed’. Jokes and play on words become enjoyable. At five years old children will talk with a good knowledge of tense, using the past, present and future in conversation. They are fluent in speech and grammatically correct for the majority. Questions are asked about abstract words like ‘beyond’. Children at six years old gain confidence when they speak and remember and repeat songs and nursery r hymes. They may alternate between wanting stories read to them and reading books themselves. 7-12 At seven years old children understand that words have more than one meaning. Expressing themselves becomes easier in speech and writing. They use compound and complex sentences, and can carry adult-like conversation. At eight and nine, children use and understand complex sentences, they are very verbal and enjoy making up and telling jokes. Spelling becomes understood, and using simple punctuation becomes consistent. They use writing for different purposes, for both imaginative and factual. They use books to find out answers, reading independently for long periods of time, sometimes using the help of adults. Through the ages of ten and eleven children can write moderately lengthy essays, to do this they may use dictionaries, school libraries or the help of an adult to gain the correct information. They will look at work they have done and try to correct punctuation and revising their own writing. 12-19 During adolescents, language skills may still be developing, but with a more complex manner. They may start using sarcasm and wit the older they get. They will have a fast legitimate style of handwriting and will communicate in an adult manner, including increased maturity. Teenagers are able to process text talk and abstract meaning, understanding abstract language and the meaning, figurative language and metaphors. Emotional and Personal:- 0-3 From birth babies respond to adults especially their mother/father’s faces and voices.. At one years old children may show distress or separation anxiety. Objects such as blankets or teddies will be used for comfort. They become emotionally liable, meaning that they are likely to have variable moods throughout the day. From two years old, children want to please adults and become much more independent, but frustration will show when they are unable to complete some tasks without the help of an adult resulting in tantrums. Jealousy begins to show when they are not receiving attention, sharing may become hard for some children, this can be with attention from adults or even some toys. Frustration is now shown more because of not being able to express themselves. Children may also show toilet needs by restlessness or words. 3-7 From three years old, children will begin to learn to share better with other children. They feel more secure are able to cope in new surroundings and new adults for a longer period of time, but still need routine and structure to feel safe. They like to do more things independently and unaided. Affection is shown to siblings whether it be older or younger. Using the toilet independently and dry throughout the night but may still have accidents, although this may be different with each child. Fears may develop for example of the dark, this is because they are capable of pretending and imagining. At four years old children can eat skilfully with a spoon and a fork. Dressing themselves and doing things like brushing their teeth, washing and drying their hands can be done independently but still need help with buttons and laces. Children at five years old have definitive likes and dislikes, but may have small apparent logic, for example they may eat on food when it is only cut a certain way. From the age of six children begin to compare themselves with others around them, thinking that they are like others but in a different way. They carry out simple task and like to get rewarded for doing so, some people may use reward charts to do so. 7-12 At seven years old children learn how to control their emotions, learning that they can keep their emotions to themselves and hide their true thoughts and feelings. Who they would like to be becomes thought about and can be critical of their own work. Children at eight and nine years old can easily be embarrassed, can be discouraged easily and take pride in their own competence. They can become argumentative and bossy however can still be kind and approachable. The feelings and needs of others may not be fully understandable to them but they do begin to see things from somebody else’s point of view. Through the ages of ten and eleven, children have an increasing ability to understand the needs and opinions of others, developing a more defined individual personality. They can become gradually more self-conscious and are able to identify and describe what they are feeling to others. For girls especially those who start puberty early they may have sudden dramatic or emotiona l changes. 12-19 As teenagers go through adolescents through the ages of twelve and sixteen they may feel misunderstood, they may become self-conscious or anxious about their physical appearance and often compare themselves to others, needing a great deal of reassurance. They may alternate between behaving like a child and behaving as an adult, this is because they will experience big emotional changes and may find them difficult to control. Recognition from peers becomes important to teenagers feeling the need to be accepted, this may influence their clothing styles and interests. Through sixteen and nineteen teenagers may begin to explore their own sexuality, they can start to question their own family’s beliefs, values and attitudes and develop their own. Their peers have less influence on them as it becomes less important to them. Social and Behavioural:- 0-3 From Birth babies enjoy feeding and cuddling. They enjoy the company of others and games like ‘peek-a-boo’ become one of their favourites. They will become shy around others and look to their primary carer for comfort and reassurance. They begin to show a particular temperament, they can be placid or excitable. At around six months babies become more wary of strangers and show distress when their mothers leave, they smile at familiar faces and strangers. From one year, children help with daily routines, such as getting washed and dressed, they enjoy socialising at meal times, trying to master feeding themselves.. They may repeatedly throw objects on the floor during play or because of rejection. Playing by themselves contently but may prefer to be near a family member or familiar adult. At two years old children become curious about their environment and are eager to try new experiences, they like to play with other children but may not like sharing their toys. 3-7 From three years old children can see things from someone else’s point of view and family meal times become very enjoyable. They are willing to share their toys with their peers and begin to take turns when playing, it is interesting to make friends and having them. They are more cooperative with adults and like to help them. At four years old children like to be independent and are strongly self-willed. They like to be with other children but often show sensitivity to others. When a child reaches five years old they are able to amuse themselves for longer periods of time, for example looking at a book or watching a DVD, they show sympathy and comfort to friends who are hurt and are able to choose their own friends. At six years old children choose their friends from their personalities and interests, they hold long conversations with them naturally taking it in turns to speak and listen. 7-12 Children from seven years old start to form close relationships mainly with those of the same sex as them, however adult help may be needed in resolving arguments. Speaking up for themselves becomes easier for example when visiting people like the dentist or doctor. Around this age it is important for children to understand boundaries and why they are there. At eight and nine children make friends rather casually and may change quickly, the majority of friends are still the same sex as them but begin to show interest in the opposite sex. They start to join informal clubs formed by other children themselves but also like to join adult led groups like brownies or cubs, and start to show a sense of loyalty to these groups. Through the ages of ten and eleven children have stronger relationships with friends and usually have a best friend, the friendship will also last longer, these friendships will be formed on the basis of a mix of different shared interests and things that they have in common. Children fall into peer pressure and want to talk, dress and act like their friends, they prefer to spend time with friends and still continue to enjoy belonging to small groups of the same sex. 12-19 During adolescents teenagers start to identify more with friends and the relationship with parents becomes weaker. Because of the emotional need of feeling accepted from their peers, friends influence their interests. Teenagers become more socially skilled and become better at resolving conflicts with others. As they reach the age of sixteen to nineteen relationships with parents become strong again as they can have much more of an adult relationship with them. Friends and others around them influence their behaviour less as they become less important to them.

Women On International Assignments

Women On International Assignments During the past two decades, more and more organizations have been going global, and, as a result, more and more employees are being sent on international assignments. Employers are sending more female workers on international assignments than ever before, according to a report. The study looked at 100 multinational companies with about 17,000 male and female employees working overseas. This trend reflects the increasingly global nature of modern companies. Nowhere is this dynamic more palpable than it is in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly China, which reports the greatest rise in number of female assignees. But this is not the only region experiencing a boom in the number of female assignees. Respondents from North America report having nearly four times as many female assignees, while their European counterparts say they have twice as many. The trend is expected to continue. Fifty-five percent of respondents anticipate that the number of female assignees will increase steadily over the next five years. Only 4 percent of the survey participants believe the number of female assignees will decline. For their part, female workers are willing to take on assignments overseas because they can open opportunities for professional advancement. An increasingly young, multicultural and diverse workforce brings an important new phase to expatriate assignments, termed the pre-decision phase. Pre-decision can be likened to an assignment due diligence procedure that includes a careful assessment of all aspects associated with the proposed posting. Vital to this process is the opportunity to visit and evaluate living, housing, working, schooling and lifestyle options in the host location. Many Generation X (22-35 years old) and Generation Y (21 and under) employees will refuse an assignment outright if this is not offered, leaving International HR departments little option than to offer the possibility. The first hurdle to be faced by the hopeful applicant is the selection process itself. After confirming the technical competence and suitability of the candidate, companies generally have two principal assessment targets in identifying their potential expatriates. One is the cross-cultural competence of the candidate (and accompanying partner). This includes knowledge, skills, and personality traits. The other is termed situational readiness and takes in all factors that may influence the assignment, such as candidates career path objectives and personal factors that may influence the assignment. Cross-cultural personality assessment is usually combined with behavioral interviews to form a complete picture of individual competencies, weaknesses and strengths. Candidates should keep these desirable characteristics in mind when undergoing assessment. Female graduates should be aware that worldwide women hold a very low percentage of all international management positions. This circumstance not only hinders the business success of multinational firms abroad but it also limits opportunities for women to succeed at home. Most multinational companies prefer that their senior management have abundant overseas experience. Excluded from that experience, women are also excluded from promotions and power later in their careers. It is necessary, therefore, for women to lobby for these assignments early in their careers. Often the selection process within an organization will be less than transparent, and a proactive standpoint will be necessary. This briefing paper clearly brings about the problems faced by women on international assignments. TERMS OF REFERENCE: The briefing paper was prepared to assume me as the researcher. Let the client be a company that wishes to send their women employees on international assignments. For which they were in need of knowing almost all the pros and cons of doing the same. The result and the ideas that I suggest may or may not satisfy the company. OVERVIEW OF CURRENT SITUATION: The specific problems faced by women in international assignments were found to be, Barriers to women in management (entry level) Barriers to women in career path Personality traits Adjustment problems Cultural,social,legal,economic and political factors Several women were offered positions only if there were no suitable male candidates for the post. ANALYSIS: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis can be a useful tool in the assessment of the gender dimension of development programmes. The SWOT analysis as follows: Strengths: internal features of a project that have proved effective in addressing gender issues (e.g. project components, methods and techniques for implementation, monitoring and evaluation techniques, project staff and management); Weaknesses: internal features of a project that have not proved effective in addressing gender issues; Opportunities: external factors that may assist in overcoming the weaknesses and building on the strengths; and Threats: external constraints that restrict the range of opportunities for change. Although the above operational definitions for opportunities and threats specify a focus on external factors and external constraints. This is appropriate for ongoing projects and programmes since both the internal and external factors in opportunities and threats are relevant. What this shows, at a general level, is the need to adjust tools such as the SWOT analysis to the situation in which they are being used. SWOT Analysis: Strengths Weaknesses high rate of womens participation during programme formulation good participation by other stakeholders (e.g. Ministry of Gender, Youth and Community Services) project addresses the most vulnerable woman-headed households and marginalized women water users associations formed in which both women and men participate women participate in irrigation scheme activities equal opportunity for women and men to access credit and markets through water users associations no provision in project design for conducting a baseline study to act as a foundation for addressing food security, nutrition and income enhancement lack of training on gender issues cultural values: women tend to be shy during group meetings women have no access to modern machines and other technology (e.g. ploughs, tractors) Opportunities Threats conduct a baseline study strengthen the linkage with the gender mainstreaming efforts coordinated by the extension services of the Department of Agriculture support the development of labor-saving technologies the problem of the sustainability of womens empowerment, given the relatively short period of the programme, coupled with lack of training programme affected by the displacement of people due to droughts and floods limited funds Strengths Restructured, rationalized and focused Good political leadership Trained, skilled and experienced staff Project implementation experience Focused on policy and not interventions Focused on helping private sector Based in the commercial capital of the Country Already involved with various marketing interventions, i.e. warehouse receipt Support to cooperatives and participation in international trade conferences Capable and constructive senior civil servants weakness Limited operating budget(poorly funded) Distant from capital (isolated) Staff poorly paid Low staff morale Lack of marketing expertise Lack of marketing expertise -indeed, considerable naivety in the understanding of support to private-sector marketing interventions Ministry has a very wide agenda and is lacking in focus Probably finds it difficult to give sufficient resources to rural marketing Staff poorly paid and lacking motivation at middle and lower levels. opportunities Much donor goodwill Government reform programme for function analysis, downsizing, liberalization and privatization. Key ministry and lead sector Size and remit offer opportunity to become the lead ministry for support to small-scale farmer marketing Opportunity to become the lead ministry and catalyst to the private sector by supporting existing entrepreneurs and the private sectors involvement with marketing. Threats. Staff turn over Shifts in political climate Limited field presence due to Decentralization Lack of sympathy and understanding of the private sector will seriously disadvantage its identification of interventions. Unsure of its status to assist with rural marketing Seen as a promoter of cooperatives a concept derided by private sector. SOLUTIONS RECOMMENDATIONS: Women need air-miles to improve their international career prospects, but the first challenge many ambitious women face is getting an assignment in the first place. Women entering traditional gender-typed occupations can find themselves in such archetypal female ghetto occupations as secretarial work. Women nowadays can enter the employment with the same level of educational attainment as men. Women graduates expressed as much interest in international careers as their male colleagues which shows their managerial capacity. There are many ways to be get rid of the problems that arose due to the adjustment problems. They can handle them by their own. Adopt a sophisticated approach to the determination of criteria for effective international managers. Monitor their selection processes to ensure access is not unfairly restricted to specific section of employees. Avoid assumptions as to the likely motivation of women to accept overseas assignment and the likely success rate of women expatriates. Decision-makers make assumptions as to what they think the best sort of assignment for someone would be. When they move that framework over to women they tend to eliminate certain jobs because of the locations they are in and assume they are either too dangerous or difficult. Depending upon the degree to which a culture has been involved in the process of globalization, foreign businesswomen are seen firstly as business people, secondly as representatives of their culture, and thirdly as women. In a shrinking, wired, global world there are still many reasons why companies choose to send expatriates rather than hiring locally, including meeting key strategic business requirements, such as the need to establish a business presence quickly in response to rapid market developments and helping to recruit, orient and train new employees. Perhaps still most importantly, expatriates play a strategic role in the transfer of corporate values and culture. It is cultural attitudes toward the role of women in child-rearing and family life which play a role in this shortfall as women move through different life stages. Adopt an educative approach to the organizational resistance to sending women abroad; do not assume it is the result of direct prejudice. Try to be in right place at the right time. FORECASTS OUTCOMES: Men still account for the lions share of international assignments, but an increasing number of women are going to foreign lands as well. By 2010, participating companies predicted that 20% of the expatriate population would be female. Although it is undocumented, international HR executives estimate that about half of all female expatriates are not married and go on assignments as singles. Domestic U.S. relocation figures have shown dramatic increases in the transfers of women as well, and these statistics may support the forecast of an upward trend in the international arena. According to the Employee Relocation Council, women, who made up 5% of the domestic transferee population in 1980, made up 11% of that group in 1986 and 18% in 1991. The forecast for 2010 is 24%. Companies also reported that they are expanding their global talent banks and using more focused and competency-based selection tools. More women are listed as candidates for key overseas positions than they were 5 to 10 years ago. We are no longer making the faulty assumption that women are not mobile and not interested in a foreign assignment, said one HR executive. REFERRENCE SECTION: Napier, N.K. and Taylor, S (2002) Experiences of women professionals abroad. Powell.G. (1988) Women and men in management, Beverly hills. International Human Resource Management, Annie-Wil Harzing, J. Van Russeyveldt, 2004. Handbook of research in international human resource management by Gunter K.Stahl, Ingmar Biorkman, 2006. Women in Management: Current Research issues by Marilyn Davidson, Ronald J Burke, 2000. Expatriate women managers: genders, culture and career by Katharina Hartl, 2003. Senior female international managers: why so few? By Margaret Linehan, 2000. Fundamentals of human resource management by Raymond A Noe, 2004. The gender of the gift: problems with women and society by Marilyn Strathem, 1990.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Finding the End to Genetic Diseases :: Genetics Science Genes Health Essays

The United States has a very diverse heritage. There is no "American" race. Americans are the blending of many cultures throughout many generations. With this blending of cultures comes a blending of genes. In the past, genes have not been well understood. They were not understood until Mendel did experiments on plants to find out why different plants of the same species had different characteristics. His goal was to find the key to unlock the mystery of inheritance (Copeland and Hammer 12). After many years of collecting data, he unlocked the door. He discovered that the child gets one element from each parent for every trait. He also discovered that one of them is more "dominant," and shows up over the other, recessive, one (Brown 16). He published his results, but their significance was not understood at the time. "Sixteen years after his death, three people believed to have the key. Looking for other results to verify the ideas, they came across Mendel's results" (14). Their dat a agreed, and with this a new science was born - the science of Genetics (15). Due to modern medicine, such as antibiotics and rehabilitation, many genetic diseases have been allowed to survive. In nature, these diseases would not have survived to the extent that they do now. Advances in science and medicine have allowed these problems to thrive. Further advances in science may be able to terminate genetic diseases through cloning. Genetic problems have plagued the United States for centuries. Genetic diseases and mutations are more prevalent in today's world than ever before, due to advances in medicine (CHMG). Charles Darwin's theory of evolution stated that only the strong survive (Lutz 10). Modern medicine has changed that theory by allowing the weak, or people with genetic diseases, to survive. Genetic defects are caused by mutations. "When genes change in any way, they produce permanent new characteristics called mutations" (Copeland and Hamer 19). On that note, "there have been many which have had little effect on us, while others have been important in our development" (19). Along with the necessary mutations, there are "mutations that can cause serious, and sometimes fatal, disease" (Brown 16). There are many factors that may cause mutation, such as genetic accidents, environmental hazards, and human sources. The genetic accidents are regular mutations in the cells where "chemical changes in the cell cause a breakdown in the normal structure of a gene or a group of genes" (28).

Monday, August 19, 2019

Politics Essay -- essays research papers

Politics: the inescapable stalker of our society Politics is a process by which a group of people, whose opinions or interests might be divergent, reach collective decisions that are generally regarded as binding on the group and enforced as common policy. Political theory or political philosophy is as old as the oldest civilisations. The Greek philosophers, such as Aristotle and Plato, developed important political theories and methods of government alongside their more abstract philosophies. One may contest that every society and every belief we hold is a reflection of the political system we live under. Politics, in it absolute form, is a concept of society that definitely intrudes into every aspect of human life. No one can escape it. The word politics comes from the Greek word â€Å"polis†, meaning the state or community as a whole. The concept of the â€Å"polis† was an ideal state and came from the writings of great political thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle. In his novel "The Republic", Plato describes the ideal state and the means to achieve it. Hence, the word politics originally has connotations in the ways in which to create the ideal society. An ideal society is in practice a rather difficult aim and even an impossible aim to achieve. Imperfections in society inspired Aristotle and Plato to compose the first written political philosophies. In Aristotle's â€Å"The Politics†, he states that, â€Å"Man is by nature a political animal†, in another words, it is a primal instinct of man. Therefore, in his statement, Aristotle concludes politics is not a dreamt up concept, but rather an inherent feature of mankind. Argument, in our lives and about the way that we live t hem is a fundamental part of our sociological make-up. A main factor in modern government is what is dubbed â€Å"Party Politics†. Each party with its manifesto attempts to gain parliamentary superiority over others in each general election. People vote for the party that broadly represents the individual's values. Although, the average turnout for elections The most common method of categorising political theories is by use of a horizontal line from right to left (the far and moderate right, the right of centre, the centre and the left of centre, the moderate left, and the far left) gradually. What follows is an attempt to clarify this contentious issue of categorisation. It is not a defin... ...onflict and change. Politics is the means to creating a more organised and peaceful society, by providing methods to resolve conflict that naturally occurs in society. From this, politics also endeavours to further society to perfection and to create an absolute harmony between the ruling body and the populace. It thus aims to replace violence and prevent us from returning to chaos. Authority and order are the underlying features of politics and ensures its enforceability. Power underscores its very existence; it is necessary for politics exist. Without authority, politics simply is not feasible. The most visible and widely accepted example of politics is the workings of the governmental institutions. However, although at first glance one may not be aware of it, politics in its various forms is present wherever and whenever humans form a community. Returning to the writings and beliefs of Aristotle, politics is an intrinsic feature of mankind. References â€Å"Politics†, Heywood, Palgrave. 1997 â€Å"The Republic†, Plato (Tr Des. Lee), Penguin, 1987 â€Å"On Liberty†, J.S.Mills, Penguin, 1985 BBC Politics page: <>

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Women Deserve the Same Rights as Men Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive

Women Deserve the Same Rights as Men From the beginning of time, females have played a powerful role in the shaping of this world. They have stood by idly and watched as this country moved on without them, and yet they have demanded equal rights as the nation rolls along. Through the years the common belief has been that women could not perform as well as men in anything, but over the years that belief has been proven wrong time and time again. So as time marches on, women have clawed and fought their way up the ladder to gain much needed equal respect from the opposite sex. However, after many years of pain and suffering, the battle for equal rights has not yet been won. Since women have fought for a long time and proven their importance in society, they deserve the same rights as men. Before women can prove they too deserve the same rights as men, they must first put to rest the myths and beliefs of their status in this country. This myth of the female status in the United States, and in most other places in the world, has always been the same. It is the belief that women should be in the kitchen, taking care of the kids, and the house, amongst other beliefs. However, in today's society, this is considered ludicrous. For instance, in her essay, 'Ain't I a Woman?' Sojourner Truth delivers a powerful message and addresses the issues of women in the society. She argues that women should have equal rights, because they can do the same things as men. For example she says, ?That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place anywhere. Nobody helps me into no carriages, or over no mud puddles, or gives me any best place? (348). She, then, con... ...t women do not deserve the same rights as men, is not really a man, but instead a sad pitiful little boy who is a poor excuse of a life form. A real man would never disrespect a woman, because disrespecting the rights of any woman is just as disrespecting the rights of one?s own mother. They have fought long and hard and now they should get the equal rights which they rightly deserve. Works Cited Rich, Adrienne. ?What Does a Woman Need to Know The Presence of Others 3rd ed. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin?s, 2002. 65-71 Truth, Sojourner ?Ain?t I a Woman The Presence of Others 3rd ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin?s, 2002. 348-349 The United States Declaration of Independence

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ece 585 Project 2 Spring 13 Ver1 Simulation of Cpu, Cache, Bus, and Memory Datapath

ECE 585 Project 2 Spring 13 ver1 Simulation of CPU, Cache, Bus, and Memory Datapath 1. INTRODUCTION Project 2 is due Thurs Apr 11 EOD. You may work as groups of up to two. Submit your report to the Project 2 folder in the Electronic Black Board for the course. NO OTHE FORM OF SUBMISSION OR LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. In this project, you will simulate a CPU, cache, bus, and memory complex for a set of instructions with emphasis on the cache operation. The overall block diagram is shown in Figure 1. Bus Cache Memory CPUFigure 1: Overall Block Diagram The goal of this project is to provide you with a more practical hands-on approach to computer architecture design problems. The processor complex you will be designing is a 32-bit version of the MIPS processor; however, the instruction set will be a small subset of the actual MIPS ISA. You should implement the end to end operation of the complex utilizing the VHDL hardware descriptive language. You may use any constructs within th e VHDL language, however, the design must be of your own. Copying of any form from any other student or any internal or external sources is illegal and will not be accepted.The processor supports the three instruction formats: R-format, I-format, and J-format as described in the text book and lectures. Table I Summarizes the core set of instructions for your ISA. The memory is assumed to be byte addressable and each word is 32 bits. Table I: Core MIPS Instruction Set to be Designed (with example) OpCode [31 : 26] 100011 101011 000000 000100 Function Field [5 : 0] –100000 -Instruction lw sw add beq (Custom set) Operation lw $s1, 200($t3) sw $s3, 100($t4) add $s3, $t3, $t2 beq $s5, $t6, 400The total set you need to design is the core set as above + a custom set designated for you as follows. Student ID ending in: 1. BNE, LUI 2. NOR, SLL 3. ADDI, LUI 4. BNE, LUI 5. NOR, LUI 6. ANDI, JR 7. BNE, LUI 8. NOR, LUI 9. ANDI, JR 0. ADDI, LUI 2. Implementation Details 2. 1 CPU: You need to treat the CPU as a block diagram and show only the inputs, outputs and the changes in the Register file. Note that all the source values for the instructions are derived from the CPU registers and immediate value in the instruction itself.The results will also be stored in the register except for the store instruction. For both load and store instructions, ALU operation is needed for address calculation. You need not simulate the detailed internal operation of the CPU complex 2. 2 Bus Used only for transfer of words and blocks. The bus (between cache and memory) has the following specifications: Bandwidth of 32 words/cycle. 2. 3 Cache/Bus/Memory Specifications The focus of the report is on the cache operation. The cache has the following specifications 1.Size 256 Byte I-cache, 128 Byte D-cache; block size of 8 words; word size of 4 Bytes 2. The cache access time is 1 cycle 3. Direct Memory access approach is used for cache block placement 4. The parameters for cache operation inc lude IHc (Icache hit), DHc (Dcache hit) and dirty bit set flag for a block to be replaced (dbset) The memory has the following specifications 1. Size 1,024 Bytes; Byte addressable 2. Memory port access time is 5 cycles/word for reads; 3 cycles/word for writes. 3. Additional memory read time: 3 cycles/word, write time 4 cycles/word Additional common specifications 1.The instruction address is available in the Program Counter (PC); the accessed instruction is placed in the Instruction Register (IR); the data read (for loads) is loaded in the Memory Data Register (MDR) – all are 32 bit registers. Additional student specific specifications Last digit of student ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Write Strategy Write Thru Write back Write Thru Write back Write Thru Write Thru Write back Write back Write back Write Thru Write miss Strategy Write Allocate No-write allocate No-write allocate Write Allocate Write Allocate Write Allocate No-write allocate Write Allocate No-write allocate No-write allocateGeneral Guidelines 1. All parameters must be defined as variables (or data inputs) so that different parameters can be used for testing your code. 2. You should annotate your code with appropriate/sufficient comments so that the code is self explanatory. 3. You may use additional meaningful assumptions and state them clearly in your report. 4. Section 5 provides some useful hints for cache operation. 3. Test Program: Design a test program to verify the operation of your code. It needs to account for the following variables: PC address value; range of PC’s for the instruction type (e. . 0-500: ALU_BR type; 504-600: Loads; 604-700: stores); Icache hit flag (1 or 0); Daddr; Dcache hit flag (1 or 0); range of addresses (dbaddr1 to dbaddr2) for which the dirty bit is set. Your output should explicitly indicate which type of instruction is complete after completion of the operation. 4. Report You are required to turn in a report that describes the design along with the VHDL code. The report should be typed, well written, and well organized. The suggested contents of the report are as follows: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢An overview of your design Appropriate sections to convey your report A discussion on how you tried to optimize your design A discussion on any improvements or additional features made to your design A discussion on what does not work correctly in your design An overview block diagram of your design. A sample simulation of your design that is annotated to show its correct operation. Copying of code will not be acceptable. Any code copied will automatically result in a 0 for your project and may be subject to additional disciplinary action.Start the project right away Good luck and have fun 5 Hint: Basic operations are summarized in the following. Please note that you need to modify it appropriately to account for placement/replacement, dirty bit status, write strategies, write miss str ategies etc. ICache hit PC IAddr bus ICache miss IR mem bus cache IR CPU ALU/branches ALU_BR DONE Instr Type, (Daddr) Load (Daddr) MDR Dcache hit (Similar to Icache miss) Dcache miss Dcache hit Dcache Store DONE MDR Load DONE Store (Daddr) Dcache miss bus Mem

Friday, August 16, 2019

Chinese VS American Parenting

In recent years it has been said that China is far surpassing the United States in terms of education. This raises the problem of Americans falling behind in global competitiveness which encompasses in all aspects of a society’s success. There is said to be a major correlation between parenting styles and the overall country’s competiveness considering education, values, and work ethic is implemented in the home through parenting styles before a child ever reaches institutionalized schooling.Many persons believe American parenting lacks discipline and structure and believe Americans should adapt a more Chinese style parenting, while many other persons believe that Americans should stay with their parenting style to increase global competitiveness. The problem of Americans falling global competiveness can be addressed in several ways however looking specifically at parenting styles affects, it boils down to a solution either of keeping the same parenting style, or transf erring to a more Chinese parenting style. However an understanding of what a competitive society is, is crucial to objectively find the solution to the problem.A competitive society is based off of 12 pillars according to the 2012- 2013 Global Competitiveness Report conducted by the World Economic forum. The first nine pillars of the Global Competitiveness Report consist of institutions, infrastructure, the macro-economic environment, market size, business sophistication, good market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market development and technological readiness. These first 9 pillars are all primarily focused on the government regulations and productivity of business.The last three pillars, although still affecting productivity, stems from education. They include health and primary education, higher education and training, and Innovation. The health and primary education pillar is self-explanatory. Stressing the need for healthy and competent workers, it explains that even basic education increases each individual worker’s efficiency. Workers, who have received minimal primary education, are limited to simple manual tasks and find it more difficult to adapt to the advanced production processes. Higher education and training correlates with the previous pillar.Also advocating for higher education in the work place, it dictates that a society cannot remain competitive without the ability of workers to perform more complex tasks determined by the evolving needs of the economy. The twelfth pillar, is innovation. Innovation is so important because unlike the other factors affecting the economy, technological innovations will continue to raise living standards and positively affect the global economy over time. Innovations open a wider range of possibilities and approach the frontier of knowledge which in turn greatly advances an economy.American parenting can best be classified into the category of Authoritative Parenting. Finding a balance be tween support and control, parents of the authoritarian method believe the best way to parent is to support their children in their goals in a positive manner; while still maintaining boundaries and rules. Authoritative parents are said to have found the â€Å"happy median†. Authoritative Parents execute their method by being very responsive, affectionate, stern, and understanding. These parents express their love for their children unconditionally, and do not take away their love as a punishment.Instead, punishments are implemented with mutual understanding of the wrong doing and the appropriate consequence. Authoritative Parents believe parenting is a two way street, and therefore attempt to consider their child’s perspective equally to their own. American parent’s objectives for their children generally do not lie solely within Academics. Wishing the best for their children overall, they stress the needs of other factors including, sociability, individuality, self-reliance, happiness, and self-motivation. This information on Authoritative Parenting is derived from an article by Gwen Dewar.Despite a slight biased towards Authoritative noted, it is reliable. It considers other factors in parenting, and asses its own argument, and also presents the same information on parenting as other trustworthy sources. The first graph to the right shows the GDP per captia, compared to the scale of Global Innovation index determined by the organization itself. The sizes of the bubbles are based off of population. As you can see, China lags far behind the USA in terms of the innovation spectrum. The second graph to the left shows this again.The United States are rated 57.7 in their innovation performance, while China isn’t even on the map. However it should be noted, that to the side of the diagram is a box where it shows who is innovating most effectively, and the gold of this category belongs to China. There is an overwhelming amount of scienti fic support for the American Parenting style in the United States; however, it should be considered that the majority of studies that support this method primarily focus on white American students, and not the effect of this method on other cultures.Also, it should be noted that the majority of sources supporting this method are either American or European, which are areas that Authoritative Parenting styles dominate. Looking from an American perspective therefore it would be the overall consensus that American parenting style is superior and that American parents shouldn’t drastically change their methods in order to raise the overall competiveness of the nation. Chinese Parenting can be considered as authoritarian parenting. These parents believe by showing very low support, but also being highly demanding and restrictive, they will best rear their children.Authoritarian parents execute their method by setting high expectations for their children. These expectations lie sol ely with academics and the parent’s wishes for the child. Expectations in this style of parenting, that are set, are undisputable. Communication between the parent and the child are one way, with the parent in control. Authoritative Parents of this method have been heard to degrade their children, threaten them, and lie to them, in order to motivate them. Parents also might withdrawal of their love and affection as a punishment to their children not living up to these set expectations.And while this might seem harsh to an American mother, it is to other cultures, devotion. By pushing their children to the best they can be, they are thought to be doing what is best for the child. Chinese parent’s objectives for their children revolve around complete perfection. They wish for their children to excel at academics, be extremely obedient, and possibly even master the violin. These expectations are extremely high, but their intense method makes it possible. An example of a s tereo typical Chinese household would be Amy Chua’s.In â€Å"The Hymn of the Tiger Mother† she explained her method of restrictions, and her expectations of raising her two daughters. Amy Chua’s children were forbidden from attending a sleepover; having a play date, be in a school play, complain about not being in a school play, watch TV or play computer games, choose their own extracurricular activities or get any grade less than an A. These standards were high and some could say harsh, but Amy Chua produced success American parents all over the country were appalled by the intensity of Mrs. Chua’s parenting style; however not many parents can produce Yale students such as Amy Chua’s has.In Amy Chua’s household success was produced, and looking overall at Chinese parents, many other parents have produced success also. The following graph shows the number of PhDs the U. S. earned compared to the number of PhDs China has earned in the 2002 to 2010 span. As you can see China has had a drastic increasing in the amount of PhDs earned, while the US has had a much more modest growth. This can be attributed to the stress of education in Chinese households. In 2010, China surpassed the US in terms of PhDs. Also it has been proven that China is ahead of the United States when it comes to the OECD reading school score.Standardized testing is important when it comes to a competitive society because these tests measure education, and education is crucial to any work force. When considering whether or not the Chinese method is superior, it must be noted that the lack of warmth and affection can harm a child’s social functions, and lead to a dependence on one’s family. It also should be recognized that sources used were primarily written by American authors and researches in a negative light, therefore it was my responsibility to arrange the information in a way that supported the Chinese method of parenting.American p arenting raises stable, academically well rounded, and creative students who contribute effectively to the nation, and as seen, in terms of global competitiveness, the U. S. and China are neck and neck. The U. S. is superior in creativity, while China is superior in standardized testing. Both these factors are crucial to a global economy considering they translate into the innovation pillar and the educated work force pillar. Therefore the US might lag behind in terms of standardized tests but they nation makes up for it in the Innovation index.Chinese and American styles of parenting promote different values and therefore produce children who excel at different aspects. I also believe that the more successful parenting style depends on the culture. Culture determines which method is more effective because parenting styles are embedded and formed by each individual culture. Implanting a foreign parenting style that doesn’t correlate with local beliefs would be detrimental for a child due to social pressures, the conflicts of beliefs, and the collision of school and the home.For example, an American child would not respond well to authoritarian parenting because of America’s â€Å"modern, expressive† culture, as a Chinese child would not respond well to authoritative parenting because of China’s â€Å"traditional, conformed† culture. The conflict between society and parenting styles would lead the child astray, and away from success. Therefore the United States Authoritative parenting style is most effective because another parenting style wouldn’t flow with parent’s beliefs or objectives and would actually decrease America’s global competiveness.The problem of America falling behind in global competiveness can not be solved by adapting to a more Chinese style parenting. As previously mentioned, the U. S. parenting style creates children that excel at other aspects than simply just standardized testing. Al so another parenting style would clash with belief systems and cause detrimental harm to a child’s development, and eventual success. Therefore the solution is to stay with the original parenting styles. This might appear as a rudimentary solution to a very complex issue however when specifically looking at parenting styles, it is the best way to achieve high global competiveness,

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Qatar Petroleum Essay

Qatar Petroleum aims at maintaining high level of safety by trying to reach a zero level of people and environmental harm. The company uses Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) to maintain its daily operations. The methods helps them to save their documents in an organized format, retrieve them for future use share and use them. They also have a team which holds regular surveys of the whole petroleum plant especially of the pipelines. A record of all their daily activities is kept using the EDMS system as mentioned above. A report on the organizations activities can be obtained from their website as well as a book written by P. Tuson Records of Qatar: primary documents, 1820-1960; ed. P. Tuson. Archive edns, 1991. (8v) . Since any oil company poses numerous threats , benchmarks have been set to avoid them or reduce their occurance. Limitations have been set on their expansion, to share mproved ideas and information , maintain an unbreachable security checks and register them regularly. Workers undergo regular physical check-ups and their protective suits are also regularly scrutinized for emission penetration. There are also regular checks held by the government to ensure all the safety activities are being followed regularly. Qatar Petroleum is however not free from threats. Any oil company , Qatar being the biggest is susceptible to terrorist attack as the destruction caused will be massive , eading to a high death rate and heavy financial losses. Avoiding intrusion will be difficult as these companies are located by the sea and remote areas. The attack can be on refineries, distribution system, maritime transport , developmental and exploration sites. Oil companies pose their own threat too as any fault in the whole plant, being of the minutest nature, can lead to the same type of damage as would be caused by any terrorist attack.

Quick Money

Over the weekend Lucy organized a sleep over for a friend who was interested in making some quick money. Rob tried to molest her. Lucy's friend resisted, and that is how the scuffle began. Karen; Lucy's friend had known what she had come but needed a little persuasion as she had never that kind of stuff and she desperately needed money to bail her boyfriend out of prison. Lucy nudged her and later went to call dad who was waiting impatiently in the sitting room downstairs. The action used to happen in Lucy room. Dad staggered into the room, grabbed Karen by the neck and pinned her down to the bed. He a little bit violent when drunk. Karen let out a sharp shrill and gathered enough adrenaline to push dad who had already tore her red velvet dress apart and was mounting her.She succeeded but lost her step and fell on her belly two steps from the leg of the bed. With hawk instincts Rob rose and grabbed her by the ankle. Rob pulled her back towards him and she reacted by kicking him thrice in his face, a matter that escalated the tension and made Rob become more rabid as he started nose bleeding. He was now on his feet and his sinister motive was written all over his face as his boner had receded. A panic struck Karen leaped out of the room and tried to shut the door behind her but Rob's hand was already on her left arm. Karen jerked from the tight grip and hit her back on the rails of the first floor, she lost balance and landed on the ground head first. By then Lucy was just stepping back into the house. I called for the ambulance immediately but the time it got to the house she had already passed out and was pronounced dead upon arrival in the hospital. ReferenceMelatonin signalin , Kj Schippers, SA Nichols 2014Guiding life dark secret, LM Friedman 2007

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Forensic Psychology: Fitness for Duty Evaluation

The nature of fitness-for-duty evaluations is different from other psychological services in that they involve a mandatory referral to the psychologist and fitness Information Is communicated to the department Thus, specific issues of psychologist training and knowledge are crucial. Fitness for duty evaluation Police Psychologists play substantial roles In the employment and maintenance of law enforcement. A main role the psychologist plays is in the area of psychological assessment.The Fitness for duty evaluation (FED) assesses and evaluates a police officer's personality, psychology, intelligence, and overall fit for the line of work. This type of assessment Is also frequently conducted through pre-employment psychological screenings. This paper briefly addresses the pre;employment psychological screening. However, the primary focus is on the forensic psychologist's role as it applies to the FED. Pre-employment psychological screenings are designed to Identify unsuitable police can didates.Testing has become more complex over the years in order to detect Issues not easily identified In earlier standard testing. (Derrick & Chaplain, 2006). Several tests, such as the Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory (IMP) and the Inlaid Personality Inventory (PUPIL have become more utilized for this purpose over the years . Research has established that these tests, particularly the PIP, tend to be successful In predicting negative indicators for aspects such as officer performance after training (Singing, Schumacher, Gardner, &Chaplin, 1995).It has also been found that The Pl and IMP have also proven effective in detecting dishonest test answers. Importantly, it has been suggested the test detects Is best at Identifying unsophisticated deceivers while superior ones are more successful In cheating the tests (Forum &: stock, Tests such as the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R) is 993). Frequently used as a predict recruits that will perform well once on the job (Derrick & Callahan, 2006).Other research (Derrick & Callahan, 2006) suggests that the NEO PI-R Is able to foresee which recruits will perform well as officers. Some experts also believe that the NEO PI-R may be utilized in recognizing weaknesses in cleared emcee candidates Ana teen strengthening tense areas. Thanes-Tort-AU evaluations (Fades) are often in response to an officer's display of some form of questionable behavior. These behaviors may include aspects such as stress, excessive force, substance abuse, psychological disorders, depression, or family problems.The evaluation is conducted in order to determine several key factors. These include the decision as to if the officer should continue at present duty level, if treatment or intervention is needed, or if Job task modifications are necessary. The assessment typically comprises a review of the officer's records. Aspects of the record such as awards, commendations, and reprimands are measured. Additionally, individual sessions with the officer are often conducted. Interviews with family are often conducted as well.Lastly, a medical examination is frequently recommended to establish or rule out other issues affecting the officer (Bartok & Bartok, 2008) In addition to use for recruitment, Psychological tests such as The Operational Police Stress Questionnaire (Soup) and the Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire (SQ-Org) are frequently utilized to in both recruitment and to measure stress levels in active duty officers. (Macrame & Thompson, 2006). Duty-related stress is measured by the SQ-Pop and the SQ. Org measures stress that is caused from the actual law enforcement organization.The tests were designed in this way due to data that has established that these two groups are the main stress generating areas for officers. The role of the forensic psychologist as it pertains to FED is of interest to this student for several reasons. First of all, research has established that psychological servi ces play a vital role throughout law enforcement agencies. Law enforcement officials have begun to recognize and acknowledge the need for psychological services designed to deal with the unique culture among police officers. Another reason of interest is the value in psychological testing.Psychological tests can be used to assist in recruit selection as well as stress testing for current officers. Furthermore, the creation of additional and improved tools as a result of developing research and development for the purpose of improving law enforcement organizations is exciting. â€Å"Psychologists provide services, teach, and conduct research with populations and in areas only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, supervised experience, consultation, study, or professional experience† (PAP, 2002, p. 1063; Standard 2. AAA Boundaries of Competence).